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Liebherr's refrigerator is a smart and efficient choice thanks to SmartFrost technology, which reduces frost accumulation and simplifies maintenance. VarioSpace and FrostSafe features provide flexible and spacious storage, ensuring optimal preservation of food items and easy access.
• FrostSafe – high and closed drawers that keep the cold inside
• Transparent drawers – provide optimal visibility of frozen items
• LED lighting
• Egg tray for 10 eggs, ice cube tray
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17. - 19. February
Compared to other static freezers, Liebherr’s SmartFrost technology freezes food faster, and reduces ice build-up, making defrosting simpler and quicker. It also provides a more flexible storage area with greater capacity and improved energy consumption for lower running costs.
All freezers with NoFrost and SmartFrost feature drawers and intermediate glass shelves underneath them which can be conveniently removed.This results in VarioSpace – the practical system for extra storage space so that space can be created quickly even for larger frozen food items.
With the FrostSafe, the extra-high and removable drawers are closed all round. This means that the cold cannot dissipate so quickly when the appliance is opened. The transparent front of the compartments guarantees an optimum overview of the frozen items.
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