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Samsung's washing machine, equipped with AI energy mode and Ecobubble™ technology, offers energy-efficient and effective laundry care. Its smart features ensure fast and thorough results while reducing energy consumption and laundry time. The washing machine is perfectly suited to complement the surrounding interior design, blending seamlessly into modern spaces and contemporary kitchen furniture.
• AI washing: optimized water and detergent usage
• Hygiene steam care
• Less Microfiber cycle: reduces microplastic shedding
• WiFi and SmartThings app make laundry more efficient
• Automatic detergent dosing
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29. March
31. Mar - 2. Apr
Washing machine
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The washing machine DOES NOT allow you to choose between detergents, as you can only choose between the simultaneous operation of both dispensers and it is not possible to make a separate choice between the dispensers. This was one of the main arguments for buying and the lack of such an option was a big disappointment. Those who want convenience should take this into account and choose a product that allows such functionality. However, those who want to wash only white or only colored laundry and for a very long time, without the need to constantly add detergent, then this machine should be well suited for this, because it can handle this job.
Pesumasin EI VÕIMALDA valida pesuainete vahel, kuna valida saab vaid mõlema dosaatori üheaegse töö vahel ja eraldi valikut dosaatorite vahel ei ole võimalik teha. See oli üks peamisi ostu argumente ja et selline võimalus puudus, oli pettumus suur. Kes soovib mugavust, peaks sellega arvestama ja valima toote, mis sellist funktsionaalsust võimaldab. Kes aga soovib pesta ainult valget või ainult värvilist pesu ja väga pikka aega, ilma vajaduseta pidevalt pesuvahendit lisada, siis selleks peaks see masin hästi sobima, sest selle tööga saab ta hakkama.