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The LG slim washer-dryer combo is the ideal choice for those who don't have enough space for separate washing and drying machines in their household. It efficiently utilizes space without compromising on features or performance.
• Eco Hybrid (Air & Water cooled condensing)
• Turbowash 39 min
• Smart Diagnosis
• AI DD™ - 18% More Fabric care by A.I. washing
• Steam Allergy Care - 99.9% Removes Allergens
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19. - 21. March
Washing machine
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5 | 2 | |
4 | 2 | |
3 | 0 | |
2 | 1 | |
1 | 0 |
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Quiet, roomy, washes and dries well!
Vaikne,mahukas,peseb ja kuivatab hästi!
Good machine. Very quiet. The dryer works pretty well compared to the 4 year old LG we bought it to replace. Missing a full mark is that this model has limited programs. Dare to recommend.
Hea masin. Väga vaikne. Kuivati töötab päris hästi võrreldes 4 aasta vana LGga, mille asenduseks me selle ostsimegi. Täishindest jääb puudu, et see mudel on piiratud programmidega. Julgen soovitada.
I didn't go to the store to look, I ordered it directly online. I've been using it for two weeks and so far I'm happy with it. Although I didn’t like the dark opaque glass at first, it’s hard to see and there’s a risk that it will break. But this is only for beauty and protection. Real glass is hidden inside. The dryer works, I've even dried clothes that shouldn't - but nothing has happened to them yet. I don't understand these horror stories warning about holes in clothes. Over time it will become more clear whether there will be problems or not.
Koha peal ei käinud vaatamas, sai otse netist tellitud. Kaks nädalat kasutanud, hetkel rahul. Kuigi tume läbipaistmatu klaas ei meeldinud esialgu, ei näe sisse hästi ja oht et läheb ehk katki. Aga see ainult iluks ja kaitseks. Tegelik klaas on sees peidus. Kuivati toimib, olen kuivatanud ka riideid mida ei tohiks - aga pole veel midagi nendega juhtunud. Ei saa nendest hirmujuttudest aru mis hoiatavad aukudest riietes. Eks aja jooksul selgub täpsemalt kas tekib probleeme või mitte.