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• 6TH Sense Technology
• SteamCare
• FreshCare+
• Wash & Dry programs
6th Sense Technology
Ideal fabric care. This Whirlpool Dryer's unique 6th SENSE technology provides multiple flows of warm air that delicately dry your laundry, with absolute care.
1 Kg laundry in 45 minutes
Enjoy better results, faster. The 45 Minute program washes and dries 1 kg of laundry in just 45 minutes, providing the excellent results you deserve, in less time.
SteamCare effectively refreshes, softens and dewrinkles your garments with the natural cleaning power of steam.
Inverter Motor
The innovative Inverter motor is extra silent and provides outstanding energy efficiency.
Delicate steaming and tumbling action take care of your garments inside the washer dryer*. * FreshCare+ treatment, thanks to steaming and tumbling actions, inhibits the proliferation of the main bad odour sources for up to 6 hours after the washing ends and, thanks to the tumbling action, avoids the creases fixing on garments for up to 6 hours after the drying cycle ends.
Drying program
Versatile drying options. Customize the drying cycles of your Washer Dryer with the a set of versatile drying options.
Washing machine
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