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SteamOne Karl XL 2 combines innovative design with powerful performance, offering optimal tank capacity and advanced 140°C heating soleplate for effective crease removal, both horizontally and vertically. Ideal for all wardrobe and home textiles, it naturally eliminates germs, viruses, bacteria, and odors without chemicals, extending the life of fabrics.
• Non-chemical solution that kills moths and bedbugs thanks to the thermal shock of steam
• Up to 27 minutes of autonomy
• Eliminates 99.99% of germs and bacteria
• Suitable for all textiles
• 2 power modes
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17. March
17. March
18. - 20. March
General parameters
Power supply
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5 | 0 | |
4 | 1 | |
3 | 0 | |
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Another gadget that makes you ask yourself "Why didn't I buy something like this before??? Life would have been much nicer and easier :)" Maximum 5 stars would have been given if the ergonomics of the device had been designed differently. Namely, the power button could have been located in a different place. At the moment, it can happen that with active steaming you can accidentally turn off the device. If you monitor your actions a little, this is not a problem. The device itself works flawlessly. I have experience with large steam devices of this type and this little gadget is in no way inferior to its larger analogues in terms of performance. Very capable device!
Taas üks vigur mille kohta võib endalt küsida, et "Miks ma küll varem sellist asja pole ostnud??? Elu oleks olnud palju ilusam ja lihtsam :)" Max 5 tähte oleks tulnud kui seadme ergonoomikas oleks paar liigutust teisiti disainitud. Nimelt sisselülitusnupp oleks võinud asuda teises kohas. Hetkel võib juhtuda, et aktiivse aurutamisega võid kogemata lülitada seadme välja. Natukene oma tegevust jälgides pole see probleem. Seadme enda töö on laitmatu. Oman kogemust suurte selliste auruseadmetega ja see pisike vigur ei jää millegiga töötulemuselt alla oma suurematele analoogidele. Väga võimekas seade!