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Miele Guard S1 Junior is a compact yet powerful bagged vacuum cleaner that ensures efficient and hygienic cleaning. Equipped with an AirClean filter, it captures up to 99.99% of dust particles. Its ergonomic design and 10-meter operating radius provide convenience, while the lightweight yet durable construction ensures long-lasting performance. With versatile attachments, it effectively cleans even hard-to-reach areas.
• 99.99% dust filtration with AirClean filter
• 10m operating radius, 7.5m power cord
• Protective furniture strip to prevent damage
• Ergonomic handle and compact design
• Includes upholstery nozzle, crevice tool, dusting brush, and floorhead
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17. - 19. February
Miele Guard S1 Junior is a compact yet powerful bagged vacuum cleaner that ensures efficient and hygienic cleaning. Equipped with an AirClean filter, it captures up to 99.99% of dust particles. Its ergonomic design and 10-meter operating radius provide convenience, while the lightweight yet durable construction ensures long-lasting performance. With versatile attachments, it effectively cleans even hard-to-reach areas.
• 99.99% dust filtration with AirClean filter
• 10m operating radius, 7.5m power cord
• Protective furniture strip to prevent damage
• Ergonomic handle and compact design
• Includes upholstery nozzle, crevice tool, dusting brush, and floorhead
Vacuum cleaner
Power supply
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