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Designed to optimize the cleaning experience, the Tefal X-PERT 6.60 cordless stick vacuum cleaner combines advanced technology with an ultra-lightweight compact design. The best of both worlds is now within reach, for a spotless home made effortless in no time: a high-performance motorized brush head complete with LED lights, 2 automatic speed settings and the BOOST trigger function, and a removable, long-lasting 45-minute battery.
• LED motorized brush head comes together with easy settings—automatic ECO and SURFACE speeds, along with the BOOST trigger function—for effortless cleaning in no time
• The 18 V slide-in removable battery ensures high suction power of up to 45 minutes—for all your cleaning in one go
• Streamlined technology in a slim and lightweight design (handheld weight: 1.4 kg), offering cordless cleaning with total comfort
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17. - 19. February
• A 10-year repairable product at 6500 repair centers worldwide, part of our efforts to help protect the environment and cut down on waste
• With the Stop & Go position, you no longer need to put your tube on the floor when you vacuum your furniture with your handheld, with a tube and brush that stand up on their own
• An easy-emptying dust container system, all parts washable simply with water to keep your appliance perfectly clean and to ensure long-lasting performance
• A wall-mounted charging base, a crevice device for hard-to-reach areas, electro brush and sofa brush & two integrated easy brushes for all-surface cleaning always at hand
Vacuum cleaner
Power supply
Hand vacuum cleaner
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