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Simply the most advanced handstick ever!
Discover X-Force Flex 15.60, Tefal's most powerful cordless stick vacuum, for high-performance cleaning combined with a best-in-class X-perience. The latest Tefal technologies—a Digital Force motor for up to 230 Air Watts* of suction power and an exceptional 32.4 V battery for up to 1h20 of autonomy**—come together with high-tech innovations: Automatic speed and power adjustment by floor type, Flex technology, a Digital Control display, a Deep Power LED suction head and much more.
*Using boost trigger **Using the handheld on Eco position
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You will receive the goods on 3/19/2025
Endless possibilities
The hassle-free solution to clean easily all around the house, not only on floors: powerful deep cleaning and versatile coverage with access into every last corner.
Ultra-powerful and efficient on all floors
Not only equipped with a 230 AW Digital Force motor, experience total efficiency on all types of floors thanks to our unique head, ideal for vacuuming even larger bits like corn flakes or peanuts!
Enhanced running time
The 9-cell/32.4V battery offers fade-free suction up to 1h20 minutes* to clean your entire home off a single charge, with a fast 3-hour recharge cycle. *when using the handheld on powerful Eco position.
Digital Control Display
Achieve total control with 5 settings including auto speed to adjust the power level to meet your needs, real-time minute-by-minute display of the remaining running time, and a filter cleaning alert.
Free-standing docking station
With no drilling required, the standalone docking station keeps your vacuum charged and accessories close at hand—with a tube that becomes an extension tool for cleaning all the way to the ceiling.
XL dust container
Enjoy ultra-long cleaning sessions with a 0.9 L dust container, which is extremely easy to empty and 100% washable with a separator and filter.
2-in-1 mopping and vacuuming
Cut your cleaning time in half with simultaneous mopping and vacuuming thanks to a high-performance mop attachment enhanced with Aqua Technology.
Vacuum cleaner
Power supply
Hand vacuum cleaner
General parameters
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I bought this vacuum cleaner with a little (or rather moderate) skepticism, because before this purchase I also had another stick vacuum cleaner, which although it did not do a good job of cleaning carpets and soft furniture, e.g. animal hair, was also cheaper and did not have the option of wet cleaning. I rather dared to buy it, because it is supposed to be one of the most powerful stick vacuum cleaners in the selection and as part of the ongoing campaign, you can try it for 30 days and return it if you wish. I have to admit that this is a surprisingly powerful stick vacuum cleaner and it can clean carpets very well (I have a long-haired dog at home who sheds a lot of hair). Also, the option of wet cleaning floors is a very good bonus. It is especially nice that it automatically adjusts the power according to the surface (e.g. it starts to suck harder on carpets). If the home is about 60-70 square meters and there are a few carpets in the rooms, then you can clean the entire apartment beautifully with 1 battery. If there is no carpet, consider that the battery operating time is approximately 50 minutes.
See tolmuimeja sai ostetu väikse (või pigem mõõduka) skepsisega, kuna enne selle ostu oli mul kasutuses samuti üks teine varstolmuimeja, mis kuigi hästi vaipadelt kui ka pehmelt mööblilt nt loomakarvade puhastamisega kuigi hästi hakkama ei saanud, aga oli ka odavam ja ilma märgpuhastuse võimaluseta. Pigem julgesin selle osta, kuna see pidavat olema valikus üks võimsamaid varstolmuimejaid ning käimasoleva kampaania raames, et saab 30 päeva proovida ja soovi korral tagastada. Tuleb tunnistada, et tegu üllatavalt võimsa varstolmuimejaga ja vaipade puhastamisega saab väga hästi hakkama (mul on kodus pikakarvaline koer, kes ajab palju karvu). Samuti igati hea boonus põrandate märgpuhastuse võimalus. Eriti kihvt, et vastavalt pinnale automaatselt reguleerib võimsust (nt vaipade peal hakkab tugevamalt imema). Kui kodu on umbes 60-70 ruutu suur ja tubades on ka paar vaipa, siis saab ilusti 1 akuga kogu korteri puhtaks. Kui vaipu pole, siis arvestada, et aku tööaeg umbes 50min.
A great helper for cleaning the house. Having a cat and a dog at home, I can finally get the hair off my upholstered furniture. The battery lasts very well and the vacuum cleaner adjusts its performance itself. Very easy to use, I highly recommend it.
Suurepärane abiline kodu puhastamisel. Omades kodus kassi ja koera saan nüüd lõpuks pehme mööbli karvadest puhtaks. Aku kestab väga hästi ja tolmuimeja ise reguleerib jõudlust. Väga lihte kasutada, soovitan julgelt.
powerful, but as a result a bit heavy When buying online they gave a spare battery as a bonus, although it was not stated in the description, luck came suddenly
võimas, kuid selle tulemusena ka natukene raske kaaluga Internetist ostes andsid nad boonuseks varuaku, kuigi kirjelduses seda polnud märgitud, õnn tuli järsku
A very good vacuum cleaner. WIfe likes it very much and is satisfied with the construction and lightness. The gift was also very nice.
Väga hea tolmuimeja. Naisele meeldib väga ja on rahul ehituse ja kerguse üle. Kingitus oli väga meeldiv ka.
Unbelievable how dusty my carpet was and how much my new assistant picked up. I'm very happy with the purchase and I haven't felt so happy cleaning in a long time. Weight is also crucial for this type of vacuum cleaner. It's nice and easy to handle. I recommend!
Uskumatu, kui tolmune oli minu vaip ja millise koguse minu uus abiline sealt kätte sai. Olen ostuga väga rahul ja ma pole ammu koristamisest nii suurt rõõmu tundnud. Sedasorti tolmuimejate puhul on ka kaal ülioluline. Mõnus ja kerge on seda käsitleda. Soovitan!
I am very surprised. It is a very good vacuum cleaner and the battery lasts a long time. The net area of the house is 150m2 with one battery/charge (rather less carpets). When cleaning carpets, the battery drains faster, but the suction is very strong. The woman is happy :)
Olen väga üllatunud. Tegemist on ülihea tolmuimejaga ning aku peab kaua vastu. Maja netopinna 150m2 saan ühe aku/laadimisega tehtud (vaipu pigem vähem). Vaipade puhastamisel läheb aku kiiremini, aga tõmme on vöga tugev. Naine on rõõmus :)