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• HOBOT-2S features patented ultrasonic double spray nozzles, edge sensors, and a sound function that make the window cleaning experience more enjoyable.
• The ultrasonic spray nozzle operates at high frequency to release a fine mist of water, using biomimicry concept to mimic human actions of blowing on glass before cleaning it.
• Innovative edge sensors provide more precise detection, allowing the robot to move effortlessly on any vertical surface.
• With the HOBOT App, you can replace the default sound signal with any sound of your choice, creating a more fun and personalized interaction with the robot.
• Firmware updates are available through the app to keep you up-to-date with the latest features.
• Cleaning speed: 2.4 minutes per square meter.
• 3 automatic modes for cleaning the entire window.
• Uninterrupted power supply system (UPS).
• Especially safe DC power socket.
• Remote control and smartphone control.
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26. - 28. February
With the patented dual ultrasonic spray nozzles, the Edge-Leakage Sensors, and the Creative Voice function, the HOBOT-2S will redefine your window cleaning experience because it couldn’t be easier! Our ultrasonic spray nozzles nebulize water into fine mist particles, employing biomimicry design concepts to imitate the human action of blowing a breath onto the glass before cleaning it. The innovative Edge-Leakage Sensors offer more accurate detection, allowing the robot to move effortlessly on any vertical surface. With the HOBOT App, you can now replace the default voice prompt with any sound of your choice, creating more fun and a personal touch to your robot. You can also update the firmware easily through the App to stay up-to-date with the latest features.
No more spraying in advance, HOBOT-2S will take care of everything for you now!
Everyone can enjoy the view through the spotless windows with ease!
Vacuum cleaner
Power supply
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