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The i-SENSYS LBP325x printer is small, fast, and flexible, making it an excellent choice for small businesses. Increase productivity without compromising on quality and enjoy smooth printing with fast USB and Ethernet connectivity.
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20. - 22. February
High Productivity
The printer features a compact and highly efficient printing engine that ensures fast output in A4 and A5 formats – at rates of 43 pages per minute and 65 pages per minute, respectively. Thanks to the high-capacity cartridges, you can print more pages, boosting overall performance.
Expanded Paper Capacity
Increase your business's productivity by expanding paper capacity up to 2300 pages, accommodating up to three additional paper cassettes.
Versatile Business Printer
Designed for busy offices, this monochrome laser printer offers various advantages in terms of speed, size, print quality, and paper capacity. With its compact design, the productive i-SENSYS LBP325x is well-suited for various business environments.
Seamless Connectivity
Enjoy fast connectivity with ultra-fast USB connections and Ethernet compatibility, ensuring smooth operation in the office.
Reliable Print Quality
Achieve excellent image quality and enhanced sharpness for refined final results and a reliable printing experience.
General parameters
Memory card reader
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