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11-piece Set: Frypans 22/24/28 cm + Saucepans 16/18/20 cm + Glass Lids 16/18/20 cm + 2 Removable Handles
Looking for a way to simplify your home cooking? Ingenio has got you covered. A removable handle for pots and
pans to go from stovetop to oven to fridge like magic? Check. A stackable design to save space in the kitchen?
You got it. Ingenio: simplify your cooking!
Ingenio Emotion is the best range for flavorful and evenly-cooked results. Made of premium quality Stainless
Steel outside and titanium safe non-stick coating inside, this range ensures an extreme resistance and durability.
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20. March
21. - 24. March
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I am satisfied
Olen rahul
Super set, super pots, very satisfied. I want to warn you, for an induction cooker - at first, when heating the pans for the first time, the induction cooker starts to hum. You need to heat the pans until they boil, set them aside and wait 5 - 10 minutes. Apparently, the air inside resonates in the pans, in general, the first heating - don’t be alarmed that something is wrong. In fact, very cool pots, beyond all praise.
Супер набор, супер кастрюли, очень довольна. Хочу предупредить, для индукционной плиты - сначала, при нагревании кастрюль в первый раз, индукционная плита начинает гудеть. Надо прогреть до закипания кастрюли, отставить в сторону и подождать минут 5 - 10. Видимо, внутри воздух резонирует в кастрюлях, в общем, первый нагрев - не пугайтесь, что что то не так. На самом деле очень классные кастрюли, выше всех похвал.
Very convenient to use. Takes up little space. Perfect for a small kitchen.
Väga mugav kasutada. Võtab vähe ruumi. Sobib ideaalselt väikse köök.
Very pleased!
Очень довольна!