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Compact bean-to-cup machine, press a button and rotate the knob to customize your favorite coffee. Equipped with a manual cappuccino device ideal to produce a rich froth for your cappuccino, cup holder and water filter.
New control panel
It allows you to prepare any kind of coffee, merely by pressing a button. The simple rotation of the knob lets you increase or decrease the coffee aroma intensity. By the pressure of simple buttons, you can choose among short or long coffee.
Сappuccino system
The stainless steel Cappuccino System device is ideal to produce a rich, creamy froth for great cappuccinos
Aroma saving cover
Coffee beans container with aroma saving cap
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17. February
17. - 19. February
17. February
Espresso machine
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Works fine at the moment. The only thing was getting it to work at first. I looked for an on-off button. It turned out that this brand doesn't have one. I found out when I watched the video on my computer.
Momendil töötab hästi. Ainus asi oli algul tööle panemises. Ma otsisin sisse- väljalülitusnuppu.Tuli välja, et sellel margil seda ei olegi. Asja sain selgeks, kui vaatasin videot arvutist.
Best buy in the world! I've been drinking press coffee at home for years, but there's nothing more luxurious than pressing a button in the morning or, if you have more time, making a cappuccino with silky foam. And our new family member is also stylish!
Maailma parim ost! Olen kodus aastaid presskannukohvi joonud, aga pole midagi luksuslikumat hommikusest möödaminnes tehtud nupuvajutusest või kui aega rohkem, siis siidise vahuga cappuccino valmistamisest. Ja stiilne on meie uus pereliige samuti!
It makes very tasty coffee and the milk frother makes very nice milk foam. Super good value for money.
Väga maitsvat kohvi valmistab ja piimavahustaja teeb väga mõnusa piimavahu. Super hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe.