Philips Series 2300, glossy black - Fully automatic espresso machine
519.99 €
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Easily make aromatic coffee varieties like Espresso, Coffee and Cappuccino at the touch of a button. LatteGo tops milk varieties with silky smooth froth, is easy to set up and can be cleaned in as little as 15 seconds.
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Very unreliable device. Repairs must be considered once a year. After the 3rd repair, the machine still refused to work, and the insurance decided to repair the machine for the 4th time as well. I recommend avoiding.
Väga ebatöökindel seade. Aastas korra peab arvestama remondiga. 3-nda remondi järel keeldus masin ikkagi töötamast ning kindlustus otsustas masina ka 4-ndat korda remontida. Soovitan vältida.
Great device! I don't see the difference between a very expensive coffee machine in the office and the one I use at home
Lielisks aparāts! Neredzu atšķirību starp ļoti dārgu kafijas aparātu, kas stāv birojā un šo, ko lietoju mājās
Exactly 1 day after the end of the warranty, the device expired. already before that several maintenances were done and from time to time there were some problems - then the water sensor stopped, then the dirty water comes out on the surface. There is also another such device in the family - exactly the same problems.
Tieši 1 dienu pēc garantijas beigām aparāts izbeidzās. jau pirms tam taisītas vairākas apkopes un ik pa laikam kādas problēmas - tad ūdens sensors nobeidzās, tad izplūst netīrais ūdens uz virsmas. Ģimenē arī vēl viens šāds aparāts -pilnīgi tādas pašas problēmas.
Made a maximum 60 cups of coffee with the machine and already within that time went to the warranty repair... blows out the fault current fuse in the living room.. after the warranty repair, the same crap back to making less than 10 cups of coffee...
Masinaga tehtud max 60 tassi kohvi ja juba selle aja sees garantii remondis käind... peksab elamises rikkevoolu kaitsme välja..peale garantii remonti sama jama tagasi alla 10 tassi kohvi tegemse...