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Philips LatteGo 2200 Series, black - Espresso Machine

Philips LatteGo 2200 Series, black - Espresso Machine
  • Philips LatteGo 2200 Series, black - Espresso Machine
  • Philips LatteGo 2200 Series, black - Espresso Machine
  • Philips LatteGo 2200 Series, black - Espresso Machine
  • Philips LatteGo 2200 Series, black - Espresso Machine

Philips LatteGo 2200 Series, black - Espresso Machine

Product code: EP2231/40 Brand: Philips
449.99 €

Product is not available in retail stores

Easily make aromatic coffee varieties like Espresso, Coffee and Cappuccino at the touch of a button. LatteGo tops milk varieties with silky smooth froth, is easy to set up and can be cleaned in as little as 15 seconds.

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  • Espresso machine

    espresso machine type full automatic
    onetouch preparing
    , espresso
    , black coffee, hot water
    functions removable brewing unit
    programs cup programming, rinsing program, scale cleaning program, water hardness
    coffee preparation automatic
    additional pre-ground coffee usage possibility Yes
    milk-frother Yes
    steam / hot water Yes
    making two coffee cups simultaneously Yes
    making two milk coffee simultaneously No
    height-adjustable coffee spout 85–145 mm
    power 1500 W
    pump power 15 bar
    water tank capacity 1.8 L
    bean container capacity 275 g
    coffee grounds container 12 portion
    coffee strength regulator Yes
    grinder adjustment Yes
    temperature levels 3
    water filter AquaClean
    0 W in standby Yes
    milk container Yes
    grinder ceramic grinder
  • General parameters

    display touchscreen
    special characteristics silky smooth milk froth thanks to high speed LatteGo system, adjust aroma strength and quantity via My Coffee Choice, from fine to coarse thanks to the 12-step grinder adjustment
    kit contains
    manufacturer Philips
    produced Romania
    colour black
  • Dimensions

    width 24.6 cm
    height 37.1 cm
    depth 43.3 cm
    8 kg
  • Links



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    • Euronics client

      3/1/2024 11:56 AM

      Very unreliable device. Repairs must be considered once a year. After the 3rd repair, the machine still refused to work, and the insurance decided to repair the machine for the 4th time as well. I recommend avoiding.

      Väga ebatöökindel seade. Aastas korra peab arvestama remondiga. 3-nda remondi järel keeldus masin ikkagi töötamast ning kindlustus otsustas masina ka 4-ndat korda remontida. Soovitan vältida.

    • Euronics client

      11/14/2023 12:46 PM

      Great device! I don't see the difference between a very expensive coffee machine in the office and the one I use at home

      Lielisks aparāts! Neredzu atšķirību starp ļoti dārgu kafijas aparātu, kas stāv birojā un šo, ko lietoju mājās

    • Euronics client

      10/10/2023 9:33 AM

    • Liene

      9/19/2023 8:13 AM

      Exactly 1 day after the end of the warranty, the device expired. already before that several maintenances were done and from time to time there were some problems - then the water sensor stopped, then the dirty water comes out on the surface. There is also another such device in the family - exactly the same problems.

      Tieši 1 dienu pēc garantijas beigām aparāts izbeidzās. jau pirms tam taisītas vairākas apkopes un ik pa laikam kādas problēmas - tad ūdens sensors nobeidzās, tad izplūst netīrais ūdens uz virsmas. Ģimenē arī vēl viens šāds aparāts -pilnīgi tādas pašas problēmas.

    • Euronics client

      9/1/2023 9:31 AM

    • Euronics client

      8/27/2023 3:59 PM

      Made a maximum 60 cups of coffee with the machine and already within that time went to the warranty repair... blows out the fault current fuse in the living room.. after the warranty repair, the same crap back to making less than 10 cups of coffee...

      Masinaga tehtud max 60 tassi kohvi ja juba selle aja sees garantii remondis käind... peksab elamises rikkevoolu kaitsme välja..peale garantii remonti sama jama tagasi alla 10 tassi kohvi tegemse...