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The TomTom GO Navigator GPS offers a large 6-inch interactive screen, a powerful speaker, and a reliable TomTom Traffic service included with the subscription. Additionally, it provides warnings for speed cameras for 12 months and offers free updates for world maps. You can also enjoy the convenience of RouteBar™, which displays important route information at a glance.
• Large 6-inch interactive screen and powerful speaker
• Reliable TomTom Traffic service
• 12 months of speed camera warnings
• Free updates for TomTom world maps
• Updates installed via Wi-Fi without the need for a computer
• Unique RouteBar™ for route information on the screen
• Includes a Click-and-Drive mount
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20. - 22. February
Large screen and powerful speaker
The TomTom GO Navigator GPS features a large 6-inch interactive screen that allows you to navigate comfortably and view essential information. It also has a powerful speaker that provides clear and crisp instructions.
Reliable TomTom Traffic service
With the subscription to TomTom GO Navigator GPS, you get the reliable TomTom Traffic service. This helps you avoid traffic jams and reach your destination faster.
12 months of speed camera warnings
The GPS also comes with 12 months of speed camera warnings, alerting you to the locations of speed cameras along your route so that you can react promptly and drive safely.
Free updates for TomTom world maps
Update your world maps for free and stay up-to-date with the latest road changes.
Updates installed via Wi-Fi
You can install updates on the GPS via Wi-Fi without the need to connect it to a computer. This makes receiving updates easy and convenient.
Unique RouteBar™ for route information
Enjoy TomTom's unique RouteBar™, which displays all the essential route data at a glance. It helps you stay informed about road conditions and avoid unexpected surprises on your journey.
Includes a Click-and-Drive mount
With the purchase of the TomTom GO Navigator GPS, you also get a Click-and-Drive mount, making installation and use in the car quick and easy.
Global Positioning Systems
Memory / storage
Memory card reader
Power supply
General parameters
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